Mikrotik L2TP / IPsec VPN Server Step by Step configuration

August 29, 2024 |




How to enable VPN Server in Mikrotik Router

Step 1: PPP > Interface > L2TP Server

Check Enable & Enter IPSec Secret

Step 2: IP> Pool > Add

Make VPN Pool

Enter Name: VPN
Address      :

Step 3: PPP > Profile

- Make profile

- Enter Name       : VPN
- Local Addresss  : VPN-Pool
- Remote Address: VPN-Pool

- Rate Limit: 20M/20M

Step 4: PPP > Secret > Add

Enter Name        : test
Password            : 12356
Profile                : VPN
Local Address    :
Remote Address    :

Step 5: Firewall > Filter Rule (Important step)

- Allow port: 1701, 500, 4500
- Chain: input
- Protocol: udp
- Dst Port: 1701, 500, 4500
- Action: Accept

add more:

Final Result:

These rule must be on top another rules.

If you have any question, please send to me: hoquoctri@live.com


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MacOS A->Z

August 27, 2024 |


1. Install HomeBrew
Ref: https://brew.sh/

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

If MacOS can't found brew command
$ echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc

2. Install NVM (Node Version Management)
You can install vary node version in PC and easy switch between node version

$ brew install nvm
$ nvm --version
$ nvm install --lts // Install Node latest version
$ nvm install <node_version>
$ nvm use <node version>

Note: if nvm command not found, add line below to ./zshrc

source $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm.sh

3. Install Yarn command

$ brew install yarn

4. How to show NPM Scripts in Visual Studio Code

Go to View > Open View > Select NPM Script

5. Install Many Java Verison in Mac OS

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -V // All Java Installed will show here 

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React Native on WearOS

August 26, 2024 |




I. Create React Native Project on Android

#Remove previous cli
$ npm uninstall -g react-native-cli @react-native-community/cli

#Init project
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init AwesomeProject

#Edit package.json; Run on Default Port 8081 & Select Device 

#Create Android Simulator

# In Android Simulator > Install Google Watch App/Wear OS App
#Paire Wear Devices

- Must open Google Watch app while pair devices and init set up.

- Code in App.tsx

II. Create React Native Project on WearOS

#Remove previous cli
$ npm uninstall -g react-native-cli @react-native-community/cli

#Init project
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init AwesomeProject

#Edit package.json , Run on Port 8082 & Select Device 

# Create Wear OS Simulator

- Code in App.tsx

Try test app:

Wear Device:

Android device display Alert from Wear Device:

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MariaDB - Config Galera Cluster in RockyOS

April 16, 2024 |


MariaDB - Config Galera Cluster in RockyOS

I. Install MariaDB


1. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mariadb-on-centos-7

2. https://centlinux.com/install-mariadb-galera-cluster-on-linux/

II. Install Galera Cluster

-- Install Galera Pacakges

$ dnf -y install mariadb-server-galera 

-- Open firewall 

$ $firewall-cmd --add-service=mysql

$ firewall-cmd --add-port={3306/tcp,4567/tcp,4568/tcp,4444/tcp}

$ firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent 

-- Config Node as below

$ vi /etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnf 

Repeat again another node

-- Run Galera Cluster
$ galera_new_cluster

-- Stop/Start Maria Server again. If not, we can reboot servers

-- Check Galera work or not

$mysql -uroot -p

- SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_%'" // Show all parameter

- show global status like 'wsrep_cluster_size'; /. Show Cluster Node Number

We can test that by creating a new database in node #1 and checking on node #2.

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[TypeScript] - Basic to Advance

April 14, 2024 |


I. Basic

Data type:
- boolean/number/string (primitives ): meaning same another programming language.
- bigint/symbol

let myName: string = "Ho Quoc Tri"; //Explicit Type
let myName            = "Ho Quoc Tri"; // Implicit, same javascript
let myName: any    = "Ho Quoc Tri"; // Type not check, not throw error when assign wrong type
let myName: unknown = " Ho Quoc Tri"; // Same Any but safer than any.

Typescript - Array
const animals : string [] = [];

-- Create Const Array, cannot change
const animals: read only string[] = ["dog"];

Typescript - Tuple
let attributeAnimals : [number, string, boolean];
attributeAnimals = [1, "Dog", false];

--Read Only
const attributeAnimals : readonly [number, string, boolean] = [1, "Dog", false];

Typescript - Object type

const animals : {id: number, name: string, age: number} =  {
    id: 1,
    name : "dogs",
    age : 10

-- Optional Property
const animals : {id: number, name: string, age?: number} =  {
    id: 1,
    name : "dogs"
animals .age = 10;

Typescript - Enum

//Default enum, first value to 0 and add 1 to each additional value
enum EWEEK {
    MONDAY,                 // default value = 0
    TUESDAY,             // default value = 1
    WEDNESDAY,    // default value = 2
    THURSDAY,     // default value = 3
    FRIDAY,         // default value = 4
    SATURDAY, // default value = 5
    SUNDAY     // default value = 6

// Full initialize value
enum StatusCodes {
  NotFound = 404,
  Success = 200,
  Accepted = 202,
  BadRequest = 400

Typescript - Type Alias
We can define primitive type or object, array.

type AnimalAge: number;
type AnimalName: string;
type AnimalStruct  = {
    age : AnimalAge,
    name: AnimalName

let age : AnimalAge          = 10 ;
let name: AnimalName     = "Dogs";
let dogs = {
    age : 10,
    name: "Dogs"

Typescript - Type Interface
Interface same Type except only apply to Object
interface Animal = {
    age : number,
    name : string

let dog : Animal = {
    age : 10,
    name : "Dog"

//Extend interface
interface Fish extends Animal  {
    swing: boolean

const fish: Fish = {
    age : 1,
    name: "Fish",
    swing: true

Typescript - Union Type

let age : string | number;

function printAge(age: string | number) {


Typescript - Casting

Casting by "as"
let x: unknown = 'hello';
console.log((x as string).length);
Casting by "<>"
let x: unknown = 'hello';

Typescript - Classes

class Animal {
    private id : number;
    protected name : string;
    public address : string;

    public constructor (id : number) {
        this.id = id;

const dogs = new Animal(1);
dogs.name = "Dog";

interface ISound {
    makeSound : () => string;

class Animal implements ISound {
    makeSound (): number {
        return "Gau Gau";

Same JAVA meaning :

abstract class Animal {
  public abstract makeSound: string;


class Dog extends Animal {
  public constructor( ) {
    super( );

  public makeSound(): string{
          return "Gau Gau";

Typescript - Generics

-- Generics with Function: 

function createClazz:<N, S>(numberStudent : <N>, className: <S>) {
    return [numberStudent , className];

-- Generics with Classes
class NamedValue <T> {

  private _value: T | undefined;


-- Generics with Type
type AgeAnimal<T> = { age: T };

const age: AgeAnimal<number> = { value: 2 };

-- Generics with a default value. 
We can set a default value for generic

class NamedValue <T = string> {
  private _value: T | undefined;

-- Generics with extends
function createLoggedPair<S extends string | number, T extends string | number>(v1: S, v2: T): [S, T] {
  console.log(`creating pair: v1='${v1}', v2='${v2}'`);
  return [v1, v2];
Typescript - TypeOf

Check DataType

Type Predicate
string         typeof s === "string"
number         typeof n === "number"
boolean         typeof b === "boolean"
undefined         typeof undefined === "undefined"
function             typeof f === "function"
array         Array.isArray(a)

Typescript - Utility

-- Partial changes all the properties in an object to be optional.
interface Animal {
    id: number,
    age: number

let animal: Partial<Animal> = {};

-- Required changes all the properties in an object to be required.
interface Animal {
    id: number,
    age: number,
    name?: string

let animal: Required<Animal> = {};

II. TS Conversion Naming


2.1 - Use meaningful variable names.

function isBetween(a1: number, a2: number, a3: number): boolean {
  return a2 <= a1 && a1 <= a3;
function isBetween(value: number, left: number, right: number): boolean {
   return left <= value && value <= right;

2.2 - Use pronounceable variable names
class Subs {
class Subscription {
... }
2.3 - Avoid mental mapping
const u = getUser();
const s = getSubscription();
const t = charge(u, s);
const user = getUser();
const subscription = getSubscription();
const transaction = charge(user, subscription);
2.3 - Don't add unneed context
type Car = {
  carMake: string;
  carModel: string;
carColor: string; }
type Car = {
  make: string;
  model: string;
  color: string;

2.4 - Naming Convention
- Use camelCase for variable and function names.
- Use camelCase of class members, interface members, methods and methods parameters.
- Use PascalCase for class names and interface names.
// BAD
class foo { }
class Foo { }
- Use PascalCase for enums and camelCase for enum members.
enum notificationTypes {
enum NotificationTypes {
2.4 - Naming Boolean
- Don't use negative names for boolean variables.
// BAD
const isNotEnabled = true;
const isEnabled = true;
- A prefix like is, are, or has helps every developer to distinguish a boolean from another variable by just looking at it
const enabled = true;
const isEnabled = true;
2.5 - Use typescript aliases
-- This will avoid long relative paths when doing imports.
// BAD
import { UserService } from '../../../services/UserService';
import { UserService } from '@services/UserService';
2.6 - Component Structure

Use the following component structure:

  1. Input properties (i.e. @Input() product: OrderItemModel)
  2. Output properties (i.e. @Output() changeMade = new EventEmitter(true))
  3. ViewChild / ViewChildren (i.e. @ViewChild(ChildDirective) child!: ChildDirective)
  4. HostBinding properties (i.e. @HostBinding('class.valid') get valid() { return this.control.valid; })
  5. data members (i.e. public isBeingRemoved = false)
  6. constructor
  7. lifecycle hooks (following their execution order)
  8. getters/setters
  9. event handlers
  10. other methods
Use the following component accessors order:
  1. private
  2. protected
  3. public

III. TS project

-- Install Typescript Lib
$ npm i typescript --save-dev

-- Init TS Project
$ npx tsc --init

-- Create TS File
$ index.ts

-- Compile TS file => JS File (Crt + ` : to open terminal)
$ npx tsc index.ts
$ tsc index.ts 

TS file compiles to JS File:

In Visual Studio Code, click on the TS file and CRT + SHIFT + B > Select tsconfig.json > File will compile.

If you want to set default compile config: CRT + SHIFT + B > Select Setting icon ts:build > edit task.json in .vscode:

Custom Compile output folder:
- tsconfig.json

To easy run in VS, we create a script in package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "Compile-TS": "tsc -p tsconfig.json",
    "Run-index": "cd build && node index.js"
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^5.4.5"

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Install Bugzilla on CentOS/Rocky OS

April 10, 2024 |


Install Bugzilla on CentOS 8/Rocky 

I. Install Packages


Step 1: Install EPEL packages:

Ref: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/

$ dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
$ dnf install epel-release

Step 2: Install bugzilla required packages:

$ dnf install git httpd httpd-devel mariadb-devel gcc mariadb-server mod_perl mod_perl-devel 'perl(autodie)' 'perl(CGI)' 'perl(Date::Format)' 'perl(DateTime)' 'perl(DateTime::TimeZone)' 'perl(DBI)' 'perl(DBD::mysql)' 'perl(DBIx::Connector)' 'perl(Digest::SHA)' 'perl(Email::MIME)' 'perl(Email::Sender)' 'perl(fields)' 'perl(JSON::XS)' 'perl(List::MoreUtils)' 'perl(Math::Random::ISAAC)' 'perl(Memoize)' 'perl(Safe)' 'perl(Template)' 'perl(URI)'

$ dnf install gd-devel graphviz patchutils 'perl(Apache2::SizeLimit)' 'perl(Authen::Radius)' 'perl(Authen::SASL)' 'perl(Cache::Memcached)' 'perl(Encode)' 'perl(Encode::Detect)' 'perl(File::Copy::Recursive)' 'perl(File::MimeInfo::Magic)' 'perl(File::Which)' 'perl(GD)' 'perl(GD::Graph)' 'perl(GD::Text)' 'perl(HTML::Parser)' 'perl(HTML::Scrubber)' 'perl(IO::Scalar)' 'perl(JSON::RPC)' 'perl(LWP::UserAgent)' 'perl(MIME::Parser)' 'perl(mod_perl2)' 'perl(Net::LDAP)' 'perl(Net::SMTP::SSL)' 'perl(SOAP::Lite)' 'perl(Test::Taint)' 'perl(XMLRPC::Lite)' 'perl(XML::Twig)'

Step 3: Download and install bugzilla package
$ cd /var/www/html/
$ git clone --branch release-X.X-stable https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla
Ex: X.X is version

Step 4: Install Perl required Package
$ cd /var/www/html/bugzilla/ && ./install-module.pl Chart::Lines Daemon::Generic Email::Reply HTML::FormatText::WithLinks PatchReader Template::Plugin::GD::Image TheSchwartz

$ ./install-module.pl --all // install all perl module
$./checksetup.pl --check-modules // check require module

Some problems when install:

Problems #1: Can't locate CPAN.pm in @INC
$ yum -y install perl-CPAN

Problems #2: No POSTGRES_HOME defined, cannot find automatically

No 'Makefile' created  TURNSTEP/DBD-Pg-3.18.0.tar.gz
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL  LIB="/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib" INSTALLMAN1DIR="/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib/man/man1" INSTALLMAN3DIR="/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib/man/man3" INSTALLBIN="/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib/bin" INSTALLSCRIPT="/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib/bin" INSTALLDIRS=perl -- NOT OK

$ yum install postgresql-devel

II. Config Apache

# Edit config file
$ /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 and follow Bugzilla Guide 

III. Install Mariab DB 

Ref: https://bugzilla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing/mysql.html#mysql

How to Install Mariab DB : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mariadb-on-centos-7

$mysql -uroot -p

-- Create DB

-- Create user


-- Check user created or not
SELECT user FROM mysql.user;

Change MariaDB Configuration:

// Allow Large Attachments and Many Comments
$ /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf

# Allow packets up to 16M

// Allow Small Words in Full-Text Indexes
# Allow small words in full-text indexes

Restart MariaDB
$ systemctl restart mariadb

-- Permit Attachments Table to Grow Beyond 4GB (DO AFTER INSTALL BUGZILLA)
$mysql -uroot -p

MariaDB [(none)]> use bugs;
Database changed
MariaDB [bugs]> ALTER TABLE attachments AVG_ROW_LENGTH=1000000, MAX_ROWS=20000;

III. Setup Buzilla Config

$ cd  /var/www/html/bugzilla/
$ ./checksetup.pl
Check output. Bugzilla will generate localconfig file

$ vi localconfig

You will need to check/change $db_driver and $db_pass. 
$db_driver can be either mysql, Pg (PostgreSQL), Oracle or Sqlite. All values are case sensitive.

// Run setup again
$ ./checksetup.pl

// Enter your administrator information

IV - Test Bugzilla

$ cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
$ ./testserver.pl http://localhost/

or access bugzilla front page in web browser.

Note: Must allow port 80 in firewall.

V - Bugzilla Basic Setup

4.1 - Access Bugzilla via : http://<your_ip>/bugzilla/ 

4.2 - Config Email

Administrator > Parameter > Email menu :

    The domain name of the server (Parameter: smtpserver)
    The username and password to use (Parameters: smtp_username and smtp_password)
    Whether the server uses SSL (Parameter: smtp_ssl)
    The address you should be sending mail ‘From’ (Parameter: mailfrom)

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[NoIp] - Install NoIp Client In Linux Servers

February 21, 2024 |



1. Install NoIp Client

    $ cd /usr/local/src

    $ wget http://www.no-ip.com/client/linux/noip-duc-linux.tar.gz

    $ tar xzf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz

    $ cd noip-2.1.9-1

    $ make

    $ make install

2. To Configure the Client

$ /usr/local/bin/noip2 -C

You should create DDNS keys for each domain or group domain.

Enter Username: <Enter user name of a domain or username of a group domain>
Enter Password
Enter Domain: Enter a domain or a list of domain (if group)

3. Start/Stop NoIp Client

$ systemctl start noip

$ systemctl stop noip

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Spring + Thymleaf

January 25, 2024 |


SPRING + Thymeleaf

Basic Setup

Spring initializr:
Ref: https://start.spring.io/

Project structures:


implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf'

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web-services'

testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'





public class SpringWebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer , ApplicationContextAware {

private static final String[] CLASSPATH_RESOURCE_LOCATIONS = {

"classpath:/META-INF/resources/", "classpath:/resources/",

"classpath:/static/", "classpath:/public/" };

private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

public SpringWebConfig() {



public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {

this.applicationContext = applicationContext;


/* ******************************************************************* */


/* Static Resources, i18n Messages, Formatters (Conversion Service) */

/* ******************************************************************* */


public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {








public ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource() {

ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();


return messageSource;



public void addFormatters(final FormatterRegistry registry) {





public DateFormatter dateFormatter() {

return new DateFormatter();


/* **************************************************************** */


/* TemplateResolver <- TemplateEngine <- ViewResolver */

/* **************************************************************** */


public SpringResourceTemplateResolver templateResolver(){

// SpringResourceTemplateResolver automatically integrates with Spring's own

// resource resolution infrastructure, which is highly recommended.

SpringResourceTemplateResolver templateResolver = new SpringResourceTemplateResolver();




// HTML is the default value, added here for the sake of clarity.


// Template cache is true by default. Set to false if you want

// templates to be automatically updated when modified.


return templateResolver;



public SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine(){

// SpringTemplateEngine automatically applies SpringStandardDialect and

// enables Spring's own MessageSource message resolution mechanisms.

SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();


// Enabling the SpringEL compiler with Spring 4.2.4 or newer can

// speed up execution in most scenarios, but might be incompatible

// with specific cases when expressions in one template are reused

// across different data types, so this flag is "false" by default

// for safer backwards compatibility.


return templateEngine;



public ThymeleafViewResolver viewResolver(){

ThymeleafViewResolver viewResolver = new ThymeleafViewResolver();


return viewResolver;



Include javascript to html file:
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/color-modes.js}"></script>

Include css to html file:
<link th:href="@{/styles/cssandjs/main.css}" rel="stylesheet" />

Auto Reload HTML Template:
setCaheable is true or fall

Build and Deploy
1. Build to war file


gradle.properties: (if you want to set specific JDK)

Run Gradle to build:
$ gradlew build

You can see in build\libs

1. Img cannot load in Tomcat.
HTML Native:
<img class="mb-4" src="/vcare/logo/logo-vicare.png" alt=""
width="140" height="100">
<img class="mb-4" th:src="@{/vcare/logo/logo-vicare.png}" alt=""
width="140" height="100">

Because when html rendered, url image is http://hostname/vcare/logo/logo-vicare.png but actual url is: http://hostname/<path_context_tomcat>/vcare/logo/logo-vicare.png

2. Call Ajax in Thymleaf in JS file

url:  "user/getSecurityCode",
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(results) {

<script th:inline="javascript"> var contextRoot = /*[[@{/}]]*/ ''; </script>

url: contextRoot + "user/getSecurityCode",
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(results) {

3. Get Context Path in Java

private ServletContext context;

String contextPath = context.getContextPath();

4. Change logo of tomcat

Add to head of html.
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" th:href="@{/vcare/logo/logo.png}"/>

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